Some people grumble that roses have thorns...

...I am thankful that thorns have roses.  -A. Karr

This is the first full fall I’ve spent in Atlanta since I moved back 4 ½ years ago.  Every year I anticipate being in Chicago for September, Washington in October, Florida and North Carolina in November studying or assisting with Aadil. I’m so grateful to have those opportunities to learn from my teacher and I’m so glad to have this time instead decided to stay home, transition the business and enjoy the season.

The studio reached 95% of its goal for rentals this month, four weeks after making the decision to change the structure of the business!! Not bad, huh? I am very thankful for all the support - the emails, phone calls, flowers, cards, fruit baskets, gifts, love notes, hugs (lots of hugs) and thank you, Rusty, for beautifying our front entrance.  I’m especially grateful to Helme and Narin, who have been insightful, generous sounding boards through the process. Thank you!